Sunday, April 29, 2012

Does this town need a plus size store?

This is the question, rather statement, that I heard while working the shop the other day.  A slender woman walked past our open doors and blurted this out to herself.  It wasn't really a question, more like a statement.  A statement that I took offense to.  It has been bothering me ever since it happened and I have been trying to figure out why exactly it hit a nerve with me.

I guess it was first her tone.  Then it was that she said it, period.  Especially in ear shot with  complete disregard.

This is how I took it:

-Why is there a plus size store in our town?  Our cute little town that shouldn't be tarred with the image of FAT people.

It came off as if she was shocked that there are *gasp* plus size women in this town; or that she is completely blind to the plus size women in our community.  News flash; the average size of a woman in the U.S. is a 14 which is considered plus size.  The Santa Ynez Valley is not immune to the struggles of weight.  

Why shouldn't plus size women have a store to shop at?  Why was it such a surprise to her?  Why should I have to justify why we opened a plus size clothing store?

Solvang is a huge tourist location.  So, our customers are not only local.  There are thousands of tourists that visit our beautiful valley every year.

We receive many compliments daily from customers who are thrilled that we opened a store that carries plus size.  They are tired of being ignored or relegated to a small section in major department stores.  They are pleasantly surprised when they stumble upon our cute, trendy boutique just for them.

So at the end of the day I just need to brush off the ignorant comments.  Our focus is to continue to offer plus size women quality, fashion forward clothing that will make them feel beautiful, confident and chic.

So the answer to her question is: Yes!  Yes, this town does need a plus size clothing store.  There are plus size women in this town and all over the world that deserve to have the same experience as non plus size women.  They should be able to walk into a store and shop to their hearts delight.  

You have stores in this town that you can shop at why shouldn't I?

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